
Sunday, May 30, 2004

Blah Damn Blah 

I'm procrastinating, yet again. Essay due tomorrow and i've only started doing the research for it today. great. real smart. We had a party at the flat last night, for no reason, the flatties just wanted to have a party. Seems to be the thing to do in the Tron when you're bored. It was a very messy affair. Playing circle of death after I already got absolutly punished after playing pyrimad, you'd think i'd learn, resulted in me running around the house three time shouting "mynameissamandiloveboys!" somehow. Think i'll try and avoid drinking games if possible now. Fortunatly all the running around upset my stomach so much that i promply evacuated the previously imbibed contents in to the toilet bowl, thus sparing me from the severe evils of a hangover. I do feel a little light headed tho, and i'm having real trouble concentrating on the essay, i think i'll just go home and watch a DVD instead.


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