
Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The Dinsdale Situation 

So i realised the other day as i strolled home from uni, that potentially i just made the most boring post ever. it happens i guess. but i read it again today, and you know, it wasnt that bad. I've definatley made worse.

Got my email today, asking for money to retain my utterlypointless .com but i've long since decided that it should be laid to rest. Hopefully it'll get snapped by some fresh young company, and become as famous a name as google.com then i can brag about being the first one to own it and how I just gave it up because it wasn't that cool anymore. Dreams are free.

Went out on Sat nite with darryn. Was an interseting nite and once again I proved to myself that I really don't enjoy going out in hamilton that much. Dunno why I keep going out really. Self-inflicted torture. Like one of those people that cuts themselves just to remind themselves what pain is. It's a sensation I guess, what every understimulated mind craves.

Anyway, I decided I'd had enough to drink to adquetly forget most of the night, and began the stumble home. Waited for the free bus back to uni, 'cause I'd spent my taxi money by that stage. Bus didn't turn up, but the Dinsdale Slapper did. This girl i'd met earlier in the night sneaks up on me at the bus stop, and was like - comehomewithmei'llgiveyouaridehomeinthemorning - and i'm like - hmmmmridehomewithnotsohotchickorfortyminutewalkhome - so I go with the girl.

Cue: sunshine, hangover, waking up in an unfamilier bed.

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes before you die? Well I'm sure the same thing happens in the morning after, in the 2 seconds after I woke up my mind flashes through the images of the previous night, and i break out in a cold sweat. ohmigod iminbedwithahideousslapper and idon'tknowwherethefuckiam. As it stood I was in Dinsdale, which is somewhere in the i don't know region of Hamilton. No idea how to get home, no taxi money in my pocket. I can tell ya it'll go down as one of the most horrific moments of my life. I got the DS to drop me off back on my side of town, and she figured it was a good idea to bypass the hospital and visit her friend who has some rare obscure respiratory condition, WTF? At this point I decided I was either entertaining some bizarre paranoid delusion, or the DS was completly psycho. Neither option seemed good.

After the added trauma of the hospital incident, I had my first wise thought for at least 24 hours, and got the DS to drop me a good block away from my house. The last thing I need is a psycho stalker girl.



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