
Saturday, July 24, 2004

conspiracy. i know iknow... 

my last post contained the words bush and kerry. hmmm. i've published the mofo at least half a dozen times now and the little fucker just won't show up. i'm not any kind of political activist although i'll make it known that i can't stand bush. so what? kerry's better but not much better. i think it's definatly conspiracy time. for sure. blogger won't let people express their views freely. it must be. my inner uni student screams out at this glaring injustice but at the same time the lazy student side of me says 'whocaresnoonereadsthisbloganyway' which is almost true.

let's see if this one posts...


*stupid blog...why...wont...it...DELETE!!*

By Anonymous Anonymous, at July 29, 2004 at 2:36 AM  

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