
Monday, August 16, 2004

makin up for lost time 

I've been busy. contary to my nature. went out three times last week. three. making up for not havin been out for almost a month. in fact the last time was steve'n'hollies shindig. sad. btw, happy birthday steve! in a few days or yesterday or something. too lazy to really find out when.

normally, when i have assignments to do, my posting increases dramatically, but last week i was busy with, well, drinking. as any good uni student should be.

went to the goodshirt/pluto gig on thurs nite. my mate got me in, cheers mikey! i missed pluto tho, and really i would have much rather seen pluto than goodshirt but it was an enjoyable nite nontheless. mikey introduced me to the main singer guy from pluto which was cool. did the "yea,you guys were awesome, i like your latest song bla bla bla" just in case they turn out to be arrogant pricks and stop talkin to ya. but he turned out to be down to earth. like most NZ muso's he probably gets bugger all money and does what he does cos' it's his thing, his passion, his calling, whatever. so he can't afford to be arrogant.

so i bailed on the gig with these two girls, who apparantly know me from somewhere, tho the connection was very tenuous, we went to some crappy rock bar that was too well lit for my liking, i figured out i had no cash, went to the cash machine, took out money which i should have left in for rent. whoops. went to the outback with the random girls, i'm dancing with them, and they randomly, out of the blue, stick their toungues down each others throats. great, so i'm hanging out with lesbians. or maybe they were just more into each other, rather than me. whatever the case i thought it best to "go to the toilet" which means finding another bar, where i won't be hanging out with lesbians. so off to altitude, try and find mikey, but he's gone, shit. don't remember much from that point except goibn to the bakery and buying (and possibly eating) pies and kebabs. taxi home. wake up with hangover.

repeat again on sat nite.


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