
Thursday, August 05, 2004


I think if i ever specialise in psychology i'll study human motivation, with a special emphasis on procrastination. I think i'll get lots of volunteers for case studies too. Why do i procrastinate? You would imagine that after 10 years of institutionalised schooling a person would learn that it is better to be prepared,like the scouts mottto. i went to scouts, why didn't that reasonably important tidbit ever sink in? i beleive i'm an intelligent person, shit i know i am. i read, keep up with current events, can argue on most issues fairly objectivly, but i struggle to get a friggan essay done. they're not hard. just not fun. it's covering ground you've already been over and reguritating it to no-one in particular. thats not how society outside of uni judges people, so why should uni work this way? when i'm a psychologist, my patients and colleagues are not going to judge my abilities by how well i write an essay but by my demonstration of knowledge in everyday conversation and the results of my work.



Hi Sammy,
I'd missed hearing your thoughts on life in general, then I found this piece of paper (with celestial music and light shining forth upon it?) with your blogspot on it. Two words V cool.
Hurry up and come and live down here! Miss you man.
Love Jess

By Anonymous Anonymous, at August 7, 2004 at 5:42 PM  

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