
Sunday, August 08, 2004

the week of the lazy... 

Bizarre week.

Monday; sold computer, decided to put funds towards a dvd burner. Cool.

Tuesday; procrastinate over my assignment on euthanasia. Find it hard to take a side on the issue, but after many heated discussions in my Philosophy tutorial, I eventually decided that NZ should legalize euthanasia, its morally better on libertarian and utilitarian and egalitarian grounds, so therefore people should have the right to die peacefully and quickly, only if necessary though.

Wednesday; procrastinate some more, write about 1000 words of my essay, but it's completely incoherent ramblings. Save work to my USB Flash Mp3 player thingy.

Thurs; essay due at 4.30, so i sit at the cafe and discuss it with my uni buddies instead of actually doing it. Eventually decide to go to library to finish it off and all the computers with USB are taken. Shit. Sit down at a USB less computer and start typing, and somehow manage to complete my essay without even using my 1000 words from yesterday. Cool.

Fri; hand in essay late, but happier with the finished product than i expected to be, made a really good case for legalizing euthanasia. Actually turn up to my psych tutorial for the first time this semester, go to my philosophy tutorial, am informed that the indian guy who was in my tut group last week has committed suicide. Fuck. Oh shit. Really? I've just argued for the right of people to take their own lives, in the essay i just handed in. with views based on discussions we had in that tut, with that guy, and he's gone and well... Do I feel like a piece of shit? Why yes. Get home to find out that the person who was gonna buy my computer can't cos shes crashed her car. Shit.

Sat; arise a bit too late to have breakfast before work, can't have coffee cos we ran out. Rains on the way to work, cycling. Go home, decide to be a good kiwi and watch the rugby. We lose.

Sun; wake up, remember I forgot to buy coffee, trip over the cat, drop a few dishes, toaster doenst work, pick up toaster and the little tray under the toaster empties six months worth of toast crumbs on me, the bench and the floor.

What lesson did I learn this week?

Never run out of coffee.


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