
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Why the internet rocks 

I went to fatso to check out what movies I've been sent, and added Manufacturing Consent to my queue. I really wanted to see The Corporation but found out that the only showing was at 6pm today. Damn. So to alleviate my sponteneous depression, I ordered a Hell pizza. I've never been to the website before, in fact I've never ordered a pizza (or any food for that matter) off the net either.

Now I know Hell pizza is good. Very good. So good that I actually don't understand why Pizza Hutt is still in business in this country. Those guys know what they're doing. The website is no different. In fact I would go so far as to say they have one of the most fun websites I've ever seen. Once I picked up my first devil I was hooked. Go there. Play.



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