
Monday, September 06, 2004


I can't Think. Maybe I don't want too. Maybe the holidays/teaching recess fried my brain. Actually thinking is not my problem. Composing is. I need to write this review on the dvd rentals, and it is coming, I promise. But there are more pressing things to attend to. Like getting my brain working again.

On a brighter note, my buddy has hooked me up with a gmail account.

Now you have to understand that I have been lusting after one of these bad boys ever since I first heard about them. I think quite seriously that i've had more lust energy devoted to finding a gmail, than I have devoted to women. sad. so sad. In saying that however, if you were to look at an investment of energy:payoff ratio, you would find women are a better return on my attentions.

What was that? See I'm just not able to compose my thoughts lately.

Anyway, if any of ya are dying to get a hold of me you can send an email to -(edit: check my profile)


It's alright folks, you can all rest assured, I've started a draft of the DVD rental review. My deadline(self-imposed) is to have it posted by tomorrow morning. So what if i have a psych test tomorrow. My readers are far more important/Better for procrastination...

By Blogger Sam, at September 9, 2004 at 2:48 PM  

actually, tomorrow might be more realistic.

By Blogger Sam, at September 10, 2004 at 8:51 AM  

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