
Sunday, September 26, 2004

Yes I realise this is a boring post 

I saw the 20/20 'current affairs' program earlier tonight, and one of the stories is about how we should implement nuclear power in New Zealand. I have long since been converted into nuclear believer. Forget Chenobyl. Accidents happen. Chances of that kind of disaster happening ever again are very slim. New Zealand needs nuclear power. It makes sense really. Us kiwis get all smug about our Hydro dams and Natural gas, which is all supposed to be environmentally friendly. Bullshit. Damming rivers killing all the plants/trees/birds/bees, dislocating entire towns, and building dams not capable of holding back the waters in a major downpour does not seem justified to enable me to sit at home and watch TV.

So if we get N. power we might lose our 'clean green' image. So friggan what. We burn shitloads of coal, we all drive cars, (Auckland is something like third in the world for carbon monoxide gas). New Zealand is the only country in the OECD that has no emissions screening program. That means you don't have to tune your cars folks. You can cruise around with black soot pouring out the exhaust and our government won't care. We do all this, and more, and somehow we've managed to maintain a clean green image. My guess is Saatchi & Saatchi have a lot to do with it.

Nuclear power is inevitable in New Zealand. It's just not gonna happen though until we have a Prime Minister brave enough to put his/her foot down. Helen Clarke won't ever do it. She's all about PR. Don Brash might, but we shall see. Until some visionary PM steps up and aknowledges the situation, us kiwis are just going to have to put up with blackouts and 'save power' campaigns. Gay.



The thing that worries me about Nuclear Power is the Kiwi "She'll be right mate" attitude. It just begs for a major accident. :(

By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 28, 2004 at 6:05 PM  

Nah no worries bro some gaffa tape and number eight wire will fix the prob

By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 28, 2004 at 11:43 PM  

Well. Some interesting and well considered comments here. Nice.

Personally, I have no desire for a free trade agreement with the U.S., nor any other country significantly larger than ours for that matter. But in so many ways we are entirely reliant on the U.S. whether we like it or not. Oil mainly.

So the problem is this: Do we continue to rely on an oil based economy, which is going to last at the most til about 2050 or something. Or do we take some risks, look to our future, accept the fact that our power needs are rising dramaticaly, and will continue to do so, and introduce cheap/clean(ish)/safe(ish) power into the country. Hmmm.

Of course there are other options. I would be all for a combination of cool eco power sources if they werent so damn expensive. We could always put a solar array in space and beam the gathered electricity down to earth in microwaves. True.

Right, I'm getting off the point. Oil based economy is bad. It means we rely on America to run around the world crushing countries with oil so they can install U.S. friendly Dictators/Presidents. Trust me on this. History will not look kindly on America.

Of course, not having an Oil based economy, means driving electric cars or cycling or using public transport. Something kiwis won't take to easily. We're car people. We like to dress up and show off our cars like babboons that show their backsides to attract the oppisite sex. Or peacocks perhaps. Electric cars just won't have the power that kiwis so unneccasarily need.

Of course, I do not drive a car. I bike. I use buses. I manage to do this in Hamilton.

By Blogger Sam, at September 29, 2004 at 12:39 AM  


No. 8 and Gaffa tape.

True MacGyver styles.

By Blogger Sam, at September 29, 2004 at 12:55 AM  

Richard Dean Anderson is the man and his pilot friend Jack Dalton was pretty wicked

By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 29, 2004 at 12:28 PM  

What are your views on the Auckland Race for mayor??
do you even care????
A nasty media savvy bulldog attacking a kindly mr magoo like character who built his business on good faith and delicous breakfast cereals

By Anonymous Anonymous, at September 29, 2004 at 7:06 PM  

Auckland Mayoral Race?

I want Dick. (Hubbard)

By Blogger Sam, at September 29, 2004 at 7:36 PM  

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