
Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Desert Island 

I feel like I've been on a desert island for the last year, isolated, out of touch. But apparantly I've been away for less than a week. Hmmm. I went down to Dannevirke and stayed with my parents, tripping all over the lower north island arranging/attending funeral stuff.

My parents house does have the internet, but because they're in an out of the way small town that Telecom doesnt give a toss about, the internet speed there is extremely slow. Makes my dial up look high speed. So checking emails is the only net I've had for the last week. My RSS aggregattor (Feedreader) nearly choked yesterday when I plugged it in to the net, I currently have about 700 unread headlines. Whoa. Down from nearly 1000.

I don't have much else to say at the moment. Uni is over, just a couple of tests now. I don't know whats happening with the rest of my life, apart from moving to Wellington, as soon as possible.



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