
Monday, October 04, 2004

Quadrupalisticly Shavetastic 

Thanks to Schick, promoting stuff on campus last week, I received a four blade razor. That's right folks, four.

When the Mach 3 razor came out from Gillette, I thought things were getting out of hand. Now you're just not going to get a really close shave unless you have four blades connecting simultaneously with your skin. Madness.

Visions of slapstick comedy spinoffs come to mind immediately, I can hear Mike King's predictable skit in my head now:

Mike: "My wife brought me this razor with fifteen blades"
Cue canned laughter

Mike: (To wife) "I mowed the lawns last week, now go fetch me a beer"
Cue louder canned laughter

Or possibly some joke about cooking eggs. Which would be equally cringeworthy.

I actually remember reading an article a while ago that interviewed one of schicks employees, the PR guy or marketing guru (cant remember who), and basically he said that they needed to invent these bogus products because, ironically, the market in shaving isn't growing.

Basically, what seems to happen is a teenager starts growing whiskers, buys fancy as shaving stuff, grows into a man, realizes he's practically throwing away money at a utility much like a toothbrush which he could be using on overpowering aftershave, which is much more likely to have an effect on ladies, starts buying practical shaving products, or worse, an electric shaver.

So the big capitalist companies, which have to show that they are growing, to their shareholders, because that's the capitalist way, have to invent new products that we western consumers need.

So the schick x4? Well, yea, it works. It shaves. But my schick twin blade disposables also work, they shave, and they cost about a quarter the price. So what am I gonna carry on using? Well duh. Cheapest option that doesn't cause shaving rash. Same as always.


They must be having the same crisis with toothbrushes. First they made electric toothbrushes so that you don't have to strain your wrist, then when that didn't really catch on they made the bristles different colours and lengths, then they made bendy necks, and special grippy handles with racing stripes, then the little rubber bits amongst the bristles to whiten, *then* rubber bits on the back to scrub your tongue... Increasing the number of blades on a shaver is one thing, but just when I think they've covered all the toothbrush territory available, they come out with something new. R&D must be a real party at Colgate.

So...how about a toothbrush and shaver in one? Not sure how that'd work..

Or...a toothbrush top that you plug into your toothpaste so it auto-dispenses?

Ummm...a toothbrush with a built-in digicam? That way you don't need to get an appointment to check out your teeth, you can just email the snaps to your dentist.

OK, all vented now. Cheers.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at October 6, 2004 at 1:08 PM  

I reckon they should make a little robot that you put in your mouth and it seeks out all that 'evil' plaque, kinda like those robots for vacuuming or mowing the lawns but heaps smaller.

That'd be uber cool.

By Blogger Sam, at October 6, 2004 at 4:22 PM  

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