
Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Times They Are A Changing... 

Well I guess this time had to come. The inevitable change of template. This is all a warm up exercise tho. In the next couple of months I'll announce the new blog by Sam. In order to reflect changes in my life, and situation, a new blog is called for. The move to Wellington, the change in lifestyle, the increase in real world people I have contact with, all needs to be summarized for your reading pleasure in a brand new blog. When I feel I have the direction/style /tone of the blog I shall let you all know, and lazyunistudent shall go and join utterly pointless in blog heaven.

edit - It seems my new template has lost comments. Don't fret. I'm on the case. When they're fixed up you can all comment and tell me how much you love/loathe the new look. BTW thank you to Blogger Templates, for the sexy new look.


Whack. I've been trying to figure out these damn comments for over an hour now. Stupid HTML. ARRRRGGGHH. I got this far, but its far from the prettiest result...

I'll get there tho, you'll see...

By Blogger Sam, at October 21, 2004 at 5:33 PM  

Ok. It better now. *sigh of releif*

Minor unforseeable problem: All my old comments don't show up. Don't know why. They're not gone, I can still access them, they just don't wanna be seen. Sorry to all you faithful commenters (both of you). But rest assured all present and future comments are safe. For now ... MWAHAHAHAHA HA.

By Blogger Sam, at October 21, 2004 at 5:53 PM  

Just to piss me off.

it seems all the retro comments work now. Don't know why. They just do. I think I have a bloggergeist.

By Blogger Sam, at October 21, 2004 at 6:08 PM  

Thats right bro. I should have been the advisor for NZ fashion week. Dammit. Black can't be the new black, thats just plain boring.

By Blogger Sam, at October 22, 2004 at 3:42 PM  

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