
Monday, November 08, 2004

Conspicuosly Absent 

Sorry I havent posted in a while folks. I've been without net for the last few days, and prior to that I was in the midst of a three day LAN session, which came after a great weekend in Auckland city for a Halloween party. Oh yea. (sorry about the clone high vcds paul! email me your address and i'll send em up to ya)

So if you've been missing your Lazy fix, i'm sorry, but rest assured a few random thoughts have been stewing away in my brain, and they're almost cooked to perfection, tasty morsels that'll make you forget all your troubles, and make life worth living again. Oh yea.

Been watching Family Guy, v funny.
Saw The Day After Tomorrow, v average.
Saw Scooby Doo the movie, better than I thought but not amazing.
Got a hot copy of Team America World Police, funny/crude.
Saw The Corporation. Mind blowing stuff. Required viewing for all.
Been listening to Fat Boyslim's new album - Palookaville. Me likes.

Put up with the Edge radio station a lot last week 'cos they were giving away iPods. didnt win and was subjected to far too much top 40 rubbish. It's gonna takes weeks of listening to good music to remove the catchy hooks of eminem's apppaling 'just lose it' or the whiny tone of Natasha Bedingfields voice in that song about not being able to find the words to write a song. So original.



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