
Monday, May 31, 2004


Dammit. Another dirty email from Jason. You're gonna have to stop sending me those bad boys. They were good for a chuckle when I was getting them at home but know I do most of my surfing/emailing from uni. I just know some hot chicks are gonna be checking me out at the exact moment those fleshy images display on screen, then there's the moments between recognition and the frantic scramble to remove the images from the screen and the temporary panic that builds up whilst imagining the computer crashing with the image frozen on the screen for some bizarre reason and having to call over the techies thus drawing more attention, everyone rubbernecking to see what froze your computer... Then the image goes away and the panics over, and you look aroud and realise no-one gives a damn in the slightest.

Still procrastinating on the essay. Due in at 4pm. I'll let you know if it gets in on time. Highly unlikely. I'm skipping class again today. Probably shouldn't but it's Philosophy and our lecturer is really hard to focus on on her good days, she's so scatterbrained. No structure, no preperation to her lectures. Sounds like someone I know but I just can't quite put my finger on who yet. Hmmm.

Sunday, May 30, 2004

Blah Damn Blah 

I'm procrastinating, yet again. Essay due tomorrow and i've only started doing the research for it today. great. real smart. We had a party at the flat last night, for no reason, the flatties just wanted to have a party. Seems to be the thing to do in the Tron when you're bored. It was a very messy affair. Playing circle of death after I already got absolutly punished after playing pyrimad, you'd think i'd learn, resulted in me running around the house three time shouting "mynameissamandiloveboys!" somehow. Think i'll try and avoid drinking games if possible now. Fortunatly all the running around upset my stomach so much that i promply evacuated the previously imbibed contents in to the toilet bowl, thus sparing me from the severe evils of a hangover. I do feel a little light headed tho, and i'm having real trouble concentrating on the essay, i think i'll just go home and watch a DVD instead.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

So I'm Gonna Blog Again (Don't say it, i've heard it all) 

Here goes. My next blog, yes folks it's the infamous sam here, I know you ALL out there in the great wide world know me. From utterly pointless fame. Yes well utterly pointless fell apart and i'm makin no great promises for this blog either, but on the other side i have no gradiose visions of fame this time, no hoping that some nerd will walk up to me on the street and say something along the lines of "you're SAM, THE SAM, the, the, omigodiveidolisedyouforages, SAM." No, not this time. theres no theme for this one either. i think my mind is too unstructured to try and fix it to a particular anything, even if that anything is nothing, like Sienfeld, the show about nothing. 'Nothing' is still too specific.

By the way don't expect great things. Apathy, if anything, will be the closest thing to a theme this blog will get.

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