
Tuesday, July 27, 2004

dvd heaven 

I just signed up to Movieshack. I'm now about to indulge in dvd excess. Oh yes. It's the NZ answer to Netflix. I'm one happy student, oh yes. No more racing to the video store in the pouring rain on my bicycle to beat the deadline. I figure i'm such a high consumer of dvd's that it's definatly justified on my tiny budget. I think it'll actually save me money. Oh yes. It's all benefits so far. No downside I can think of whatsoever. So *cough* if ya wanna join up quote this number: 100971 and these guys'll give me ten bucks! You wanna help a student in need don't you? $10 to a poor uni student is like giving $50 to your average Joe.

Of course, if i really needed money that badly i wouldnt have signed up to movieshack. But you can ignore that fact...

I'm Back! 

I had a falling out with blogger recently but we sat down and had a chat and ironed out a few issues, and now it appears we're on good terms again. Thank god for that. I was getting a bit blogstipated there. When you've adapted to the regular excretion of 'blog' it's hard to go without. Indeed to take the analagy a little further, i feel like i've been backed up for a while now and the results will be, well, shit. I wonder what a laxative would be for a blogger? Hmmm bad imagery comes to mind.

I missed countless blogging moments while i was out of the loop. I can't recall them now because i just don't like putting pen to paper. Hopefully though, once my blog levels get back to normal i'll write something y'all will enjoy, illiciting a LOL or two.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

conspiracy. i know iknow... 

my last post contained the words bush and kerry. hmmm. i've published the mofo at least half a dozen times now and the little fucker just won't show up. i'm not any kind of political activist although i'll make it known that i can't stand bush. so what? kerry's better but not much better. i think it's definatly conspiracy time. for sure. blogger won't let people express their views freely. it must be. my inner uni student screams out at this glaring injustice but at the same time the lazy student side of me says 'whocaresnoonereadsthisbloganyway' which is almost true.

let's see if this one posts...

Friday, July 23, 2004

Why Bush? 

The guy on this blog is trying to google bomb so that if you google kerry you get his peice of shit blog, with its outdated format i might add... i think someone should google bomb in retaliation, but i won't because i'm far too apathetic.

interestingly though he refers to this site
Kopel which points out all the 'Lies' in fahrenheit 9/11. Who cares? eveyone knows you fight fire with fire, lies with more lies and propoganda with... you get the idea. I'm pro mike moore, regardless of his deceitful ways. The way i see it he's just adhering to a time-honoured American tradition.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Skillfully avoiding Lectures... 

So i got sick on sunday, woke up at 5 in the morining and couldn't get back to sleep. You have to appreiciate for a minute the fact that i don't usually go to sleep on any given night till 2-3am. So i wake up, can't get back to sleep, stomach feels a bit dodgy, i hadn't been out drinking or anything else either, stumble inside, and for no apparent reason empty my stomach in a strategiacally place ice-cream container. nice. so the next 48 hours pass in a fevered, migrainy, dehydrated delerium. which was fun. i'm guessing i got food poisining from the pink chicken i ate on friday night, but you never can tell for sure...

At least thats what the lecturers are gonna hear as my ansmer as to why i wasn't at the first classes...

Sure it's a true story, it definatly happened, but really if i had of put the effort in i could of made my 9am class on monday. but i had BCA syndrome, Body Clock Adjustment, i'm told it's quite common in the student body.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

A Job? Work? You must Be Joking. 

I'm going to try and get a job today. In true lazy uni student fashion i'm only gonna apply for one. There's this lotto/magazine shop about 20 mins walk away (up a hill!) and they want someone for saturday work only. Looks like about right for my lazy self. One day of real work a week can't hurt can it? it's not even gonna be real work. If I get the job. I've left it so long now that someone else will probably have gotten it by now. Tough. I like my sleep ins. Woke up at 1pm today. 1pm not am, thats no typo...

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