
Thursday, October 28, 2004

A Round About Way 

Well, thanks to all my music loving/sharing friends, I have passed a milestone. Just yesterday I uploaded my 6000th song to my computer. Wow. Now, I have 6159 songs, thats 26.31 gig, or 17.8 days of music. Half of it I still havent listened too. Literally. That really is crazy. I have more music than your average radio station. The retail value of all this music, 505 albums@NZ$24.95, equals $12,599.75. So, assuming I paid for all this music, effectivly I've wasted $6,000 or so dollars on music I havent listend too. Hmmmm.

So as to why I don't watch rugby/play with fence posts? (in response to the comment by colinmeads, presumably not the real Colin Meads.) I don't have time, too much music to catch up on. Besides, you can't convince me that young virile men staring at other young virile men throwing themselves at each other for 80 minutes, somehow reinforces a mans masculinity. Sounds kinda gay to me.

Lets put it this way, the only women I know who watch rugby, watch for one reason, and one reason only.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

This ones for Matt

Saturday, October 23, 2004

It's A Bit Messy 

I managed to get my own poll put on the site! Nice. So vote already, it's completely anonymous, you don't have to sign in just two clicks of the mouse and you're done.

I appreciate the irony too, the poll which questions the appearence of the site actually makes it look even worse, but hey, I don't have the time/patience to really learn HTML and sort it out. Maybe Steve will help me out...

Thursday, October 21, 2004

The Times They Are A Changing... 

Well I guess this time had to come. The inevitable change of template. This is all a warm up exercise tho. In the next couple of months I'll announce the new blog by Sam. In order to reflect changes in my life, and situation, a new blog is called for. The move to Wellington, the change in lifestyle, the increase in real world people I have contact with, all needs to be summarized for your reading pleasure in a brand new blog. When I feel I have the direction/style /tone of the blog I shall let you all know, and lazyunistudent shall go and join utterly pointless in blog heaven.

edit - It seems my new template has lost comments. Don't fret. I'm on the case. When they're fixed up you can all comment and tell me how much you love/loathe the new look. BTW thank you to Blogger Templates, for the sexy new look.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Desert Island 

I feel like I've been on a desert island for the last year, isolated, out of touch. But apparantly I've been away for less than a week. Hmmm. I went down to Dannevirke and stayed with my parents, tripping all over the lower north island arranging/attending funeral stuff.

My parents house does have the internet, but because they're in an out of the way small town that Telecom doesnt give a toss about, the internet speed there is extremely slow. Makes my dial up look high speed. So checking emails is the only net I've had for the last week. My RSS aggregattor (Feedreader) nearly choked yesterday when I plugged it in to the net, I currently have about 700 unread headlines. Whoa. Down from nearly 1000.

I don't have much else to say at the moment. Uni is over, just a couple of tests now. I don't know whats happening with the rest of my life, apart from moving to Wellington, as soon as possible.


Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Sorry Folks 

I'm gonna be incommunicado for the next week or so, my grandma died last night, and I gotta head off for funeral etc...

Had to happen in the very last week of Uni, but thats life I guess. I will however make an attempt to check my emails daily.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Wow, Really? 

For those of you that read the other blog I contribute to: shamns, you may have noticed my recent obsession with these online quizzes. Well, I promise to quit and move on to something more interesting, soon, promise. But in the mean time, for a little variety. I thought I'd post the result of this one here, I don't know why. But I did.

My life has been rated:
Click to find out your rating!
See what your rating is!
Created by bart666

Man, I thought my life was dull, but apparently I warrant a R18 rating. Cool.

Beat that! (Be honest now)


Monday, October 04, 2004

Quadrupalisticly Shavetastic 

Thanks to Schick, promoting stuff on campus last week, I received a four blade razor. That's right folks, four.

When the Mach 3 razor came out from Gillette, I thought things were getting out of hand. Now you're just not going to get a really close shave unless you have four blades connecting simultaneously with your skin. Madness.

Visions of slapstick comedy spinoffs come to mind immediately, I can hear Mike King's predictable skit in my head now:

Mike: "My wife brought me this razor with fifteen blades"
Cue canned laughter

Mike: (To wife) "I mowed the lawns last week, now go fetch me a beer"
Cue louder canned laughter

Or possibly some joke about cooking eggs. Which would be equally cringeworthy.

I actually remember reading an article a while ago that interviewed one of schicks employees, the PR guy or marketing guru (cant remember who), and basically he said that they needed to invent these bogus products because, ironically, the market in shaving isn't growing.

Basically, what seems to happen is a teenager starts growing whiskers, buys fancy as shaving stuff, grows into a man, realizes he's practically throwing away money at a utility much like a toothbrush which he could be using on overpowering aftershave, which is much more likely to have an effect on ladies, starts buying practical shaving products, or worse, an electric shaver.

So the big capitalist companies, which have to show that they are growing, to their shareholders, because that's the capitalist way, have to invent new products that we western consumers need.

So the schick x4? Well, yea, it works. It shaves. But my schick twin blade disposables also work, they shave, and they cost about a quarter the price. So what am I gonna carry on using? Well duh. Cheapest option that doesn't cause shaving rash. Same as always.

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