
Monday, August 30, 2004

Triple Productivity 

I just found out that within Firefox, all you have to do to open a window in a tab, is click on a link with the middle mouse button. Mouse shortcuts are gold for the lazy man. You know, thee one with the scroll thingy. I use the scroll thingy alot, but never found the button part of it useful.

Now I know how Homer felt in the episode where he over ate so he could work from home. When he figured out he only needed to type 'y' instead of 'yes' he told Marge he had tripled his productivity. I love that episode.

In other news, I think something may be wrong with me. Last week I went over to a friends for a few 'Enjoy the Sunshine Drinks' the only true justifiable reason to drink in the daytime. Anyway, the sun went down and the girls decided town was the way to go. Fair enough. I decided going home was the best option. I had work the next day. But, get this, in order to convince me it was worth my while to go into town, the girls offered me a three way snog. Yes. Oh yes. What did I do? Well, um, I'm ashamed to say it. I went home. I had work in the morning.


Must be getting old. Or boring. Or both.


Thursday, August 26, 2004

A Review Huh? 

Well I received my Fatso dvds yesterday. I got Harvie Krumpet, Paycheck and Evil Dead 2. I watched Harvie Krumpet last night and using Fatso's cool customer review feature, wrote a review. You can read it here. My username is Leumas, for those of you who don't know.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Why the internet rocks 

I went to fatso to check out what movies I've been sent, and added Manufacturing Consent to my queue. I really wanted to see The Corporation but found out that the only showing was at 6pm today. Damn. So to alleviate my sponteneous depression, I ordered a Hell pizza. I've never been to the website before, in fact I've never ordered a pizza (or any food for that matter) off the net either.

Now I know Hell pizza is good. Very good. So good that I actually don't understand why Pizza Hutt is still in business in this country. Those guys know what they're doing. The website is no different. In fact I would go so far as to say they have one of the most fun websites I've ever seen. Once I picked up my first devil I was hooked. Go there. Play.


Monday, August 23, 2004

Dvd's, dvd's, dvd's 

Apparantly I fit in an obscure niche called 'film geek', I'm quite proud of the fact. Actually It's not that obscure. There a lot of film 'fanatics' out there, so I'm sort of part of that family I guess. Thing is, I like all films, movies, dvd, vhs, divx, xvid, svcd, vcd, anything I can get my grubby hands on. Film 'whore' might be more appropriate. So when I find out about Netflix, wicked for those in the States, but not so for us in New Zealand. 5 or 6 years later, Fatso, Movieshack, DvdUnltd come onto the scene, offering an almost identical service to Netflix. All three of the NZ companies are very similar, they all offer a free 14 day trial. So I took it upon myself to try each one. I know, I know, it was hard, I suffered, I may have watched more dvd's than I could really eat. But I do it all for the benefit of my faithul readers. Selfless me. A full critical review will follow, when my Fatso trial ends. I've done my time with Dvdunltd and Movieshack, and so far my money's on Fatso, thats why I saved it till last.

Monday, August 16, 2004

makin up for lost time 

I've been busy. contary to my nature. went out three times last week. three. making up for not havin been out for almost a month. in fact the last time was steve'n'hollies shindig. sad. btw, happy birthday steve! in a few days or yesterday or something. too lazy to really find out when.

normally, when i have assignments to do, my posting increases dramatically, but last week i was busy with, well, drinking. as any good uni student should be.

went to the goodshirt/pluto gig on thurs nite. my mate got me in, cheers mikey! i missed pluto tho, and really i would have much rather seen pluto than goodshirt but it was an enjoyable nite nontheless. mikey introduced me to the main singer guy from pluto which was cool. did the "yea,you guys were awesome, i like your latest song bla bla bla" just in case they turn out to be arrogant pricks and stop talkin to ya. but he turned out to be down to earth. like most NZ muso's he probably gets bugger all money and does what he does cos' it's his thing, his passion, his calling, whatever. so he can't afford to be arrogant.

so i bailed on the gig with these two girls, who apparantly know me from somewhere, tho the connection was very tenuous, we went to some crappy rock bar that was too well lit for my liking, i figured out i had no cash, went to the cash machine, took out money which i should have left in for rent. whoops. went to the outback with the random girls, i'm dancing with them, and they randomly, out of the blue, stick their toungues down each others throats. great, so i'm hanging out with lesbians. or maybe they were just more into each other, rather than me. whatever the case i thought it best to "go to the toilet" which means finding another bar, where i won't be hanging out with lesbians. so off to altitude, try and find mikey, but he's gone, shit. don't remember much from that point except goibn to the bakery and buying (and possibly eating) pies and kebabs. taxi home. wake up with hangover.

repeat again on sat nite.

Sunday, August 08, 2004

the week of the lazy... 

Bizarre week.

Monday; sold computer, decided to put funds towards a dvd burner. Cool.

Tuesday; procrastinate over my assignment on euthanasia. Find it hard to take a side on the issue, but after many heated discussions in my Philosophy tutorial, I eventually decided that NZ should legalize euthanasia, its morally better on libertarian and utilitarian and egalitarian grounds, so therefore people should have the right to die peacefully and quickly, only if necessary though.

Wednesday; procrastinate some more, write about 1000 words of my essay, but it's completely incoherent ramblings. Save work to my USB Flash Mp3 player thingy.

Thurs; essay due at 4.30, so i sit at the cafe and discuss it with my uni buddies instead of actually doing it. Eventually decide to go to library to finish it off and all the computers with USB are taken. Shit. Sit down at a USB less computer and start typing, and somehow manage to complete my essay without even using my 1000 words from yesterday. Cool.

Fri; hand in essay late, but happier with the finished product than i expected to be, made a really good case for legalizing euthanasia. Actually turn up to my psych tutorial for the first time this semester, go to my philosophy tutorial, am informed that the indian guy who was in my tut group last week has committed suicide. Fuck. Oh shit. Really? I've just argued for the right of people to take their own lives, in the essay i just handed in. with views based on discussions we had in that tut, with that guy, and he's gone and well... Do I feel like a piece of shit? Why yes. Get home to find out that the person who was gonna buy my computer can't cos shes crashed her car. Shit.

Sat; arise a bit too late to have breakfast before work, can't have coffee cos we ran out. Rains on the way to work, cycling. Go home, decide to be a good kiwi and watch the rugby. We lose.

Sun; wake up, remember I forgot to buy coffee, trip over the cat, drop a few dishes, toaster doenst work, pick up toaster and the little tray under the toaster empties six months worth of toast crumbs on me, the bench and the floor.

What lesson did I learn this week?

Never run out of coffee.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


I think if i ever specialise in psychology i'll study human motivation, with a special emphasis on procrastination. I think i'll get lots of volunteers for case studies too. Why do i procrastinate? You would imagine that after 10 years of institutionalised schooling a person would learn that it is better to be prepared,like the scouts mottto. i went to scouts, why didn't that reasonably important tidbit ever sink in? i beleive i'm an intelligent person, shit i know i am. i read, keep up with current events, can argue on most issues fairly objectivly, but i struggle to get a friggan essay done. they're not hard. just not fun. it's covering ground you've already been over and reguritating it to no-one in particular. thats not how society outside of uni judges people, so why should uni work this way? when i'm a psychologist, my patients and colleagues are not going to judge my abilities by how well i write an essay but by my demonstration of knowledge in everyday conversation and the results of my work.


Wednesday, August 04, 2004

why do i have to think? 

I guess the whole point of being at university is to expand your mind, make you more worldly, and to help you to examine arguments critically. Basically, to make a mind think. Properly. Yesterday I had one of those mind expanding days at uni where you come home filled with new perspectives and ideas about how the world works, a bit shaken cause certain things that you've never questioned to be anything other than true, are not.

Then you get home sit down, and watch Shortland Street. Effectivly erasing all the good stuff that came in to your head that day. Really though, even though i'm not the best example of a uni student. I find that I'm thinking more. or maybe i'm not really thinking more but just that the thinking i'm doing now is structured, with a point. Rather then the aimless wonderings of my previous mind. Anyway, the problem is now, trying to control my thinking. Espeically in the morning, and the afternoon, and at night too. Yea so all the time really. But mostly when I'm awake.

I'll be sitting in a fascinating lecture (as was the case this morning), about Palestine and Israel and other middle eastern countries, and my lecturer says something so profound, that it takes me a while to assimilate and reconcile the information, and I find i've been thinking about stuff he said ten minutes ago, and what has he said since then? I don't know.


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